Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012

Will I ever forget...

I guess no.
I will never forget.
Nearly 3 years ago.
That night was kinda destiny.
Your words changed alot and I guess you can´t even remember.
I guess, it´s better u can´t remember...

I will never forget these few words....
I guess they just slipped out...
But stilll...
They still mean the the workd to me.
"Don´t do that. But I do understand it."
The look on you face with this words...

They changed everything.
And I never even had the chance to say thanks.
There was never the right time or the right moment.
One day I will say thank you.
And let you knows, that these words brought me through the worst days and nights...

Sorry for this weird and cryptic words, but after talking all night with my dear and beloved Lily, I can´t think like this in German anymore and these words needed to be written.

Thanks Lily for all this.

You are awesome and I am so glad we met.

Some things are destiny and us meeting was like that.
Thanks for understanding and being there.
I love u from the bottom of my heart.
I miss u so damn much right now.

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